Developing number sense is such an important concept for kids to master. This simple concept can create a strong base for understanding and learning math concepts. I wanted to create an engaging printable that would require kids to identify numbers in a variety of ways while developing number sense.
What is Number Sense?
“Number Sense is the student’s fluidity and flexibility with numbers.”
Students are able to understand their relationship to one another.
Within this packet, students will work on understanding numbers in the following ways:
*number word recognition
*counting objects in an array
*ten frame representation
*base ten block representation
*tally marks
*finger counting
Each number tree has a focused number.
Simply cut out the squares, count the times in the boxes and paste them to the correct spot.
All items with the matching number go onto the tree.
Items with other number will be pasted on the bottom.
This packet allows students to practice numbers 1-20.
Although this packet is geared for Pre-k and Kindergarten students, I used numbers 15-20 as a review for my incoming 1st Grader.
She had to double count and double check!
It was the PERFECT review!
Yay! She finally found the last one for her apple tree!
A fun, hands-on and effective activity to build number sense and fine motor skills.
I hope this helps make teaching Numbers 1-20 more fun and effective!
Other Pre-K/Kindergarten resources available:
For more number sense activities, check out our blog post on Subitizing. Click Here.
Ready to move onto basic Addition and Subtraction? Click Here to check out some hands-on ways to make basic math fun!
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