The BEST part about this packet is that there is absolutely NO PREP needed! Just print the pages and teach! The pages are all black and white, which means no costly colored ink!
Reader Interactions
[…] Here is what is included is this Fall Math and Literacy Packet: *Complete the Patterns (fall style) *Upper and Lowercase Letter Match *ABC Uppercase Apples *ABC Lowercase Apples *Practice Writing Upper and Lowercase Letters *Leaves of Color (Color Word Practice) *Beginning Sounds (Cut and Paste) *Ending Sounds (Cut and Paste) *Circle and Color Beginning Sounds *Listen for the Beginning Sound and Write the Missing Letter *Counting Apple Seeds (Cut and Paste Numbers Up to 10) *Apple Numbers (Trace Numbers 1-20) *My Pumpkin Mini-Book (Includes simple sentences, sight words and color words) 4 pages makes an 8 page mini-book *Apple Mini-Book (Simple words and sight words for beginning readers) *Circle and Color Ending Sounds *Colorful Pumpkins (Practice Reading Color Words) *Ten Frame Practice Up to 10! *Ten Frame Acorns Up to 20! *Let’s Make 10! (Complete the Ten Frame Number Sentence to Make 10) *Color by Sight Words and Read a Sight Word Sentence (Fall Leaves) *Color by Sight Words and Read a Sight Word Sentence (Apple Basket) *Roll and Color the Turkey *Roll, Add and Color a Sunflower (Use the Sum of Two Dice) *Roll, Add and Color a Pumpkin (Use the Sum of Two Dice) *Sight Word Apples (Read and Identify the Sight Words: I, see, the, is and a) *Sight Word Sunflowers (Read and Identify the Sight Words: (we, up, go, me, in) *Color, Count and Graph Fall *Digging Up Math (Cut and Paste Acorn Numbers in Order) *Missing Acorns (Cut and Paste Acorn Numbers in Order) Trick or Treat Candy Bags (Count, Cut and Paste) *Hot Chocolate Word Families (Cut and Paste -at and -an words) *Apple Word Families (Cut and Paste -ug and -p Apple Word Families) *Find the Middle Vowel in Each CVC word and Color the CVC picture) *Clap and Count the Fall Syllables (Color the Fall Pictures) *What is My Vowel? Circle the Middle Vowel Sound) *Fall Patterns (AB, ABB, ABC, and Make Your OWN Pattern) *Beginning and Endings (Look at the CVC Picture and Write the Beginning and Ending Sounds) I can Graph Shapes! (Circles, Rectangles, Triangles and Squares) *Falling for Rhymes (Color the Pictures that Rhyme) *Applelicious CVC Words (Look at the CVC pictures and write the word in the apples) *Hot Chocolate CVC Words (Look at the CVC pictures and write the word on the mugs) *Acorn Counting by 2’s *I Can Count by 5’s (Sunflowers) *Fall Addition Number Sentences Up to 10! *I Can Write About Pumpkins (simple writing prompt) I Can Write About Fall (simple writing prompt) That should keep your kids/students busy with meaningful learning! We also have a 1st Grade Fall Math and Literacy Packet {HERE} […]
[…] Fall Math and Literacy (Kindergarten) Fall Math and Literacy (1st Grade) […]
Oh my goodness, I think you have the smartest 1st grader in all the land!!!
LOVE love LOVE it!!!!
Super adorbs and your daughter is presh! Love ya Annie!
Journey Of A Substitute Teacher
Simply amazing…..super teacher