Kindergarten Math Made Fun Unit 9 is here, and it’s all about SHAPES!
This hands-on, engaging and FUN unit will get kids excited about basic shapes! Not only will they become familiar with shapes and the names of shapes, but students will become MASTERS of these shapes as they learn to manipulate and construct them in multiple ways! Therefore, I am happy to share this hands-on math Unit 9 of the Kindergarten Math Made Fun Curriculum with you!
Kindergarten Math Made Fun Curriculum
Check out the other Kindergarten Math Units in action:
Unit 4 (Comparing Numbers 1-10)
Save BIG with the BUNDLE! Available HERE
Click here to check out the 1st Grade Math Made Fun Curriculum!
(This post contains affiliate links.)
For Unit 9, these are the grade level standards that are covered:
Center 1: Roll and Cover a Shape
To start, roll a die. Then say the name of the shape, and cover a shape that matches. Students can play with a partner or by themselves.
Center 2: Composing Shapes
Use pattern blocks to make new shapes for each page.
Center 3: Building Shapes
Use different materials (woodsies, play dough, popsicle sticks, clay, etc.) to build shapes such as squares, rectangles, hexagons and triangles.
Center 4: Pattern Block Pictures
Choose a picture card. Use pattern blocks to build the picture. Record the number of each shape you used for your picture.
Center 5: Creating a Picture with Shapes
First create pictures with shapes at the bottom of the page. Then glue your shapes to the page and write how many of each shape you used.
Center 6: Creating Puzzle Shapes (Squares)
Build 4 different Square Puzzles with the different colored puzzle pieces.
NOTE: There are 4 different puzzles for each shape. I printed the puzzles on colored paper and laminated them. The RED puzzles are EASY, the ORANGE puzzles are MEDIUM in difficulty, the YELLOW puzzles are CHALLENGING and the GREEN puzzles are EXTRA CHALLENGING. To start, introduce the easy puzzles first. Then, once students have started to build better problem-solving skills, they can progress to the more challenging puzzles. NOTE: For students who may lack spatial awareness, you can print the pages with the dotted lines (the puzzle piece pages) instead of the blank shape. Students can assemble right onto this page and use the dotted lines as a guide. **SEE TRIANGLE and SQUARE below for example!
Center 7: Creating Puzzle Shapes (Circle)
Build 4 different Circle Puzzles with the different colored puzzle pieces.
Center 8: Creating Puzzle Shapes (Triangle)
Build 4 different Triangle Puzzles with the different colored puzzle pieces.
Center 9: Creating Puzzle Shapes (Rectangle)
Build 4 different Rectangle Puzzles with the different colored puzzle pieces.
Center 10: Creating Puzzle Shapes (Hexagon)
Build 4 different Hexagon Puzzles with the different colored puzzle pieces.
Center 11: Geoboard
To begin, create shapes on the Geoboards with the given materials (pipe cleaners, wikki stix, play dough, etc). Then record your answers on the recording sheets. For this activity, you can allow students to use many different items to create the shapes, such as dry erase markers, play dough, pipe cleaners or wax sticks.
Center 12: Count and Clip (Sides and Corners)
Count the sides and corners of the shapes. Clip the correct number to match.
Center 13: Sorting 2D Flat Shapes
Sort the pictures to the correct shape mat: circles, squares, triangles, hexagons and rectangles.
Center 14: Sorting 3D Solid Shapes
Sort the pictures to the correct shape mat: cubes, spheres, cones and cylinders.
Center 15: Hexagon Honey Hive
To start, spin the spinner. Then use pattern blocks to cover the honey hive. Keep spinning and playing until the hive is filled.
Center 16: Tasty Triangle Pizza
First, spin the spinner. Then use pattern blocks to cover the pizza pieces and fill the board.
Use a brad and a binder clip to make an easy spinner!
Center 17: Positional Words and Shapes
First sort the pictures to match the position of the shape. Then say the position of the shape to the object. For example, the triangle is inside the wagon.
Center 18: Roll, Slide and Stack
Experiment with the 3D shapes and decide if they can roll, slide and stack. Record the answers on your recording sheet.
Center 19: Clip the Matching Shape
First, clip clothespins to the shapes that match. Then record the answers by coloring in the matching shape on your recording sheet.
Center 20: Shape Patterns
Complete the pattern puzzles by matching the shapes that come next in the pattern.
There are 54 NO PREP Practice Pages included in Unit 9
For each page, there is a grade level standard attached so you know EXACTLY what you are covering! You can feel confident that ALL the standards for Kindergarten are being covered!
Here are some of the NO PREP Practice pages in action…
How do I organize the Units?
I chose to store the math centers in Sterilite bins, because they don’t take up too much space. It is a tight fit, but I find that they work nicely for me. However, if you choose, you could store the centers in a larger container as well. Within the bin, each math center is stored in a gallon sized ziplock baggie.
I store the NO PREP Practice pages in a 1-inch binder. I place each practice page in a sheet protector. This allows you to easily grab and copy the pages that you need or have students use a dry erase marker for a quick wipe and write activity.
You can purchase Unit 9 individually HERE or
Click here to check out the 1st Grade Math Made Fun Curriculum!
I hope that these units help to make your math time FUN, engaging and successful!
This is my favorite unit so far!
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Wondering if you will be making this for first grade curriculum (Common Core)?
Hi Kelly!
Yes, I will be starting on the 1st Grade Math Curriculum once I am finished with the Kindergarten Bundle. 🙂 Stay tuned!
Great helpful post for all of us trying to save. The kindergarten math curriculum looks super fun and my kids would love it. Thank you for the fantastic giveaway.
I love your kinder math units.. I so wish it was available in Spanish! Please consider it. It would benefit so many of us in the dual language program around the country!
Hi Adriana!
Thank you for your kind comment and for the suggestion. I will consider it.
I want it…
Where i can find the files to upload the images of the activities?
ps. I loved all the activities. Congrats!
Thank you for all the Awesome ideas gratuity appreciated
Where can I find the shape puzzles?
Hi Katie!
You can get those in Unit 9 of the Kindergarten Math Made Fun: Click here.
Is there a link where I can just buy the shape puzzles separately?
Hi Katie,
I do not have those as a separate purchase, but you can get the individual unit here: Click here.