I finally posted our Sight Word Money for 2nd Grade! We now have this product available in the Pre-Primer, Primer and 1st grade version as well!
Sight words are such an important component to any successful reading program and when kids learn sight words they become successful and confident readers.
Do I teach sight words all day?
Goodness no! Kids can’t learn by sight words alone. I am a total phonics girl and we have a strong phonics foundation in our Ready2Read curriculum and in our home. In fact, my 3 year old loves to walk around the house and use beginning sounds on everything. For example she today said, “Mommy, I /L/…/L/…/L/…LOVE /L/…/L/…/L/ Lily.” Lily is our 12 year old Shih-Tuz with terrible breath:) She adores that dog!
Why do I place such an emphasis on sight words?
I have heard people say, “I don’t teach sight words, just phonics.” The problem with that statement is that although many sight words are phonetically decodable, they are not decodable with early phonics. For example, the word the is phonetically decodable with more advanced phonics. The use of the digraph th and the schwa sound will allow a reader to decode the words the. Early readers do not have the phonics skills needed to decode these words.
That being said, I like to make FUN products that help kids learn sight words…easily!
Annie….I just love you. The sight word wallets are such a motivating item!!! You are the best!
Ready2Read is certainly fun…my grandson loves it.
Annie – I wholeheartedly agree with your take on sight words. Knowing some sight words really empowers children – they read with much more confidence when they don't have to stop and decode each word Love the money idea with the words! Renee
Perfectly said Annie…love it! Thanks for sharing, and as a first grade public school teacher I have to say I am in LOVE with your sight word watches. You rock friend. :o)
Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After
I definitely agree with you about sight words. They are not everything but then neither is phonics. You need a good mixture of both. Trying to explain this to parents can be hard but once they do understand it, they always step up more to help their child learn those sight words! 🙂
I love all of your creative products! I can't wait to purchase some goodies and get started this summer with my daughter who will be entering Kindergarten. She is just starting to show a real interest in reading! I know she will love it all!!