I am sorry to say that Ready2Read Unit 4 will not be posted until next Friday. Poor Audrey was sick at the beginning of the week and she was unable to complete the unit. I am releasing the units as we finish.
However, I was able to make a simple printable for Sophia. Sophia is at an age where she really enjoys sorting, so I decided to make a shape sorting printable. Click {HERE} to download the shapes, letters, numbers and colors printables.
I printed the shapes, laminated the shapes and roughly cut them out. I used the black shapes to label some clear containers and Sophia sorted the rest. She really enjoyed the activity.
*You can also use this to sort by colors and create patterns.
So sorry you had a sick girl this week. Hope she is feeling better soon and the rest of you don't get it. Love the shape sorting activity!!
Hope Audrey is feeling better!
Thanks so much for sharing. Paige will love this!
~ Mrs. Mc
Little Literacy Learners
Great activity! Hope she is feeling better now!
I love this and used your template! Thank you!
You can see my post here:
Are these going to be on TN?
Hi MJ…
I think I am going to keep them on a 4shared account for now. I would have to do some major revisions to put them up in my shop:)