In second grade, building addition and subtraction fluency is crucial. Therefore, I’ve created another Math Made Fun unit to just this, but this time for 2-digit and 3-digit numbers up to 1,000. While addition and subtraction of 2-digit and 3-digit numbers is an extension of concepts that have been taught in the previous unit, Unit 4 is packed with plenty of hands-on practice to help students master the ability to add and subtract larger numbers.
In this math unit on Addition and Subtraction up to 1000, students will learn to:
*Add up to four two-digit numbers using strategies based on place value and properties of operations
*Add and subtract within 1000, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value
*Add and subtract within 1000, using properties of operations
*Add and subtract within 1000, using the relationship between addition and subtraction
*Understand that in adding or subtracting three-digit numbers, one adds or subtracts hundreds and hundreds, tens and tens, ones and ones
*Understand that in adding or subtracting three-digit numbers, sometimes it is necessary to compose or decompose tens or hundreds
*Mentally add 10 or 100 to a given number 100-900, and mentally subtract 10 or 100 from a given number 100-900
Here are the 10 Units that will be included in the 2nd Grade: Math Made Fun Curriculum
Unit 1: Number Sense to 1,000
Unit 2: Place Value to 1,000
Unit 3: Addition and Subtraction Fluency within 100
Unit 4: Addition and Subtraction with 2-Digit and 3-Digit Numbers
Unit 5: Geometry and Fractions
Unit 6: Graphs and Data
Unit 7: Time
Unit 8: Money
Unit 9: Measurement
Unit 10: Multiplication and Division
This 2nd Grade Math Made Fun Unit 4 has 23 hands-0n math centers and 94 NO PREP/Activity pages!

Each unit includes a scope with the objectives:

Daily Lesson Plans that offer differentiation for on-level, below-level and above-level students.
The lesson plans are broken down into 5 easy-to-follow parts: 1. Objective– What students should be able to do by the end of the lesson. 2. Review- A quick warm-up that has students practice previous skills that will be used in the current lesson. 3. Hook-A fun intro to get students engaged. 4. Mini Lesson– Teach, model, and discuss the new skill in today’s lesson. 5. Practice- Each practice section lists three types of activities that pair well with the specific lesson. Center(s)- New center(s) to be introduced with the lesson. Activity Pages- These pages require some basic materials such as scissors, glue or dice. Practice Pages- These only require a pencil and crayons! They are great for table work, homework or work on the go!
✸Differentiation– Each lesson include scaffold and extension ides to meet the needs of students at all levels!Pre and Post Assessments for EACH unit!

Material Wrap Up Page!

CENTER NUMBER 1: Missing Addends- Adding 3 whole tens
Count by tens to find the missing addend.

CENTER NUMBER 2: Domino Addition
Place 2 dominos on the game board. Add up the numbers by decomposing the tens and ones.

CENTER NUMBER 3: Hot Diggity Dog Addition
Flip a card and solve the addition problem by finding the missing numbers. Write the numbers in the correct boxes on the recording sheet.

CENTER NUMBER 4: Let’s Taco About Subtraction
Flip a card and solve the subtraction problem by finding the missing numbers. Write the numbers in the correct boxes on the recording sheet.
CENTER NUMBER 5: Baseball Addition- Adding four 2-digit numbers
Place a baseball on the mitt. Use place value strategies to solve the math problem. Write your answers on the recording sheet.

CENTER NUMBER 6: Treasure Addition up to 1,000 (no regrouping)
Flip a card from each pile and place them on the mat. Add the two numbers together. Record the equation on the recording sheet.

CENTER NUMBER 7: Apple Subtraction up to 1,000 (no regrouping)
Flip a card from each pile and place them on the mat. Subtract the red apple from the green apple. Record the equation on the recording sheet.

CENTER NUMBER 8: Ocean Addition up to 1,000 (with regrouping)
Flip a card from each pile and place them on the mat. Add the two numbers together. Record the equation on the recording sheet.

CENTER NUMBER 9: Pond Subtraction up to 1,000 (with regrouping)
Flip a card from each pile and place them on the mat. Subtract the lily pad from the frog. Record the equation on the recording sheet.

CENTER NUMBER 10: Card Addition up to 1,000 (3 Digits plus 1 digit with regrouping)
Flip over 4 cards. Place the largest card on the bottom box. Solve the addition problem. Record the problem and answer on the recording sheet.

CENTER NUMBER 11: Card Addition up to 1,000 (3 Digits plus 2 digits with regrouping)
Flip over 5 cards. Place the largest card on the bottom box right. Solve the addition problem. Record the problem and answer on the recording sheet.

CENTER NUMBER 12: Card Subtraction up to 1,000 (3 digits minus 1 digit with regrouping)
Flip over 4 cards. Place the largest card on the bottom box. Solve the subtraction problem. Record the problem and answer on the recording sheet.

CENTER NUMBER 13: Card Subtraction up to 1,000 (3 digits minus 2 digits with regrouping)
Flip over 5 cards. Place the largest card on the bottom box right. Solve the subtraction problem. Record the problem and answer on the recording sheet.

CENTER NUMBER 14: Number of the Day!
Flip a card and place it on the center of the mat. Follow the commands for each box. Record your answers on the recording sheet.

CENTER NUMBER 15: Make a Match (Addition, no regrouping)
Add the two numbers together. Find the sum that matches the problem.

CENTER NUMBER 16: Make a Match (Subtraction, no regrouping)
Solve the subtraction problem. Find the difference that matches the problem.

CENTER NUMBER 17: Make a Match (Addition with regrouping)
Add the two numbers together. Find the sum that matches the problem.

CENTER NUMBER 18: Make a Match (Subtraction with regrouping)
Solve the subtraction problem. Find the difference that matches the problem.

CENTER NUMBER 19: Addition Cards (2 Digits plus 2 digits with regrouping)
Pick a card. Add the numbers. Record the problem and answer on the recording sheet.

CENTER NUMBER 20: Addition Cards (3 digits plus 3 digits with regrouping)
Pick a card. Add the numbers. Record the problem and answer on the recording sheet.

CENTER NUMBER 21: Subtraction Cards (2 digits minus 2 digits with regrouping)
Pick a card. Solve the problem. Record the problem and answer on the recording sheet.

CENTER NUMBER 22: Subtraction Cards (3 digits minus 3 digits with regrouping)
Pick a card. Solve the problem. Record the problem and answer on the recording sheet.

CENTER NUMBER 23: Place Value Addition with the Commutative Property
Follow the steps to break apart, group by place value and find the sum.

I chose to store the math centers in Sterilite bins, because they don’t take up too much space. It is a tight fit, but I find that they work nicely for me. However, if you choose, you could store the centers in a larger container as well. Within the bin, each math center is stored in a gallon sized ziplock baggie. Since Unit 3 has 49 math centers, I found it helpful to split up the centers into 2 bins.

You can purchase Unit 4 individually HERE or
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