Ready2Read Level 3 continues to be a big part of our day and this little girl LOVES it! However, it has been harder and harder to get a picture of every single activity that we do since there are SO MANY components in one unit! Here is just a small portion of Ready2Read Level 3 Unit 4.
*If you are new to the Ready2Read program, you can see the information page for Level 1 {HERE}. This is a sequential reading program and it is recommended that children start with Level 1.
Level 3 Theme: Ocean Theme
(not all printables will be an ocean theme)
Unit 4 Sight Words: ask, how, as, stop
Unit 4 Word Families: -old and -ow
Download Unit 4 {HERE}
Our Sight Word Headbands are a huge hit! She loves to color and wear the headband and it REALLY helps with providing a hands-on and FUN way to interact with the sight words for the week!
Sight Word Detective is always a favorite! You get to use a magnifying glass to read and write the very tiny word families.
Build a Word Family Pizza! Since most kids LOVE pizza…I KNEW this would be a hit! There are two sets of pizza crust, pizza sauce, cheese and all the toppings. Each set has a different word from this weeks word family. Kids get to read the word and build a word family pizza!!
Here is the -old and -ow pizzas from this weeks word families…
Read and Write the room with sight words and word families! It doesn’t get more interactive than this! Sometimes kids do better when they are moving and this gets them walking around the room in search for the sight words that match the pictures.
Our -ow poster for the week, which demonstrates the long o sound…
Here is our seaweed to add to our Word Family Word Wall for this week. Adding different word family components to our Word Wall each is a very important part of the Ready2Read program. Kids constantly have opportunities to revisit the sight words and word families from previous weeks. It can serve as a spiral review and it shows how much they have learned!
Wonderful Word Families! Every time we pull out this interactive game page, we have tons of fun! Grab a paperclip and spin a word family word! When learning becomes a game…it is word work at its BEST!
Fix up that Sentence! Here is a very important skill for 1st grade and one that we need to constantly practice. I also love how it provides a little extra handwriting practice 🙂
Box them up! Such a fun way to see, read and recognize patterns in word families…
Here are our Sight Word Starfish, which have been added to our ocean themed word wall…
Ready2Read Certificate…
An overview of our Word Wall after finishing the unit…
I know there are not a ton of pictures in this post, but here is what is included in Ready2Read Level 2 Unit 4:
*Color by Sight Word Starfish
*Trace it, Stamp it, Paste it
*Spin and Graph Sight Words
*My Sight Word Book
*Missing Letters
*Wonderful Word Families
*Roll, Read and Color
*Read and Write the Room (Word Families)
*Read and Write the Room (Sight Words)
*Word Family Detectives
*Word Family Word Sort
*Sight Word Decorating Sheets
*Build a Word Family Pizza
*Go Fish Game Cards
*Ocean Wall Components
*Sight Word Headband
*Color by Sight Word Page
*Roll, Trace and Check it off!
*Sight Word Match/Sight Word Spelling
*Game board
*Long Vowel Poster
*Ready2Read Certificate
*Sight Word Graphing
*Word Search
*Word Family Word Race
*Box Them UP!
*Word Family Word Slides
*Stamp it UP!
*Tic-Tac-Toe Sight Words
*Sight Word Success
*Clap the Sight Words Syllables
*Fix that Sentence
**Weekly Lesson Plans**
A lot of FUN, hands-on learning in Ready2Read Level 3!
Click on the button below to purchase this unit…
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