Wow! We just finished Unit 7 of our Ready2Read Curriculum and I am so happy with how Audrey is progressing! The hands-on, interactive nature of this Reading Program has helped her to master sight words and lay a strong phonics foundation, which enables her to read beyond the Level 2 curriculum.
If you are new to the Ready2Read Program, you can read the information page for Level 1 {HERE}.
You can also see the information page for Level 2 {HERE}.
Level 1 prepares a child to advance to Level 2.
Level 2 Theme: Word Family Fair
Unit 7 Sight Words: saw, into, that, get, new
Unit 7 Word Families: -ame and -ick
Unit 7 continues to work with the long vowel, silent e combo with the -ame word family.
Remember: The concept of the silent e should be specifically taught when teaching the -ame word family.
*Everything that you see in the pictures below are included in this Ready2Read Unit (except for the Word Family Graphing). However, many of the items can also be purchased separately as packs on my Teachers Pay Teachers store.
Color by Number Sight Words
We now have a total of 36 sight words that have been mastered! Remember to use the sight word flashcards to make sentences and play games. For example, you can play “My Pile, Your Pile”. Put all of the flashcards facing down and turn one over at a time. If the person says the sight word correctly (and quickly), they get to put it in their pile. If they say it incorrectly, it goes in the general pile. Whoever has the most sight words at the end of the game wins!
Sight Word Song
Singing our sight words to the tune of BINGO helps to reinforce the sight word and also helps with spelling. Kids LOVE to sing…so why not sing about sight words??
Sight Word Circles
The sight word circles incorporate different skills:
-Tracing/Writing the sight word
-Spelling Practice
-Fluency in reading the sight word
I like to have Audrey practice reading the sight word balloons by picking one color at a time to read. For example, she may read all of the red balloons and then the green ones. This helps to keep our sight word practice fresh and fast paced.
Sight Word Decorating (Cherrio Mats)
We have decorated our sight words in so many different ways: beans, glitter, cake decoration, popcorn, cherrios, stickers, jewels and many other times. The goal is to keep our activities engaging and exciting. Hands-on learning is so important for children.
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Color by Word Family
This cute little brown and red bear was fun for Audrey to color. What better way to practice word families than to color them? Remember, if they get board of coloring they can also paint them with water colors. Whatever keeps it fun:)
Color by Sight Word
This week we colored our numbers 1-10 by sight word! Audrey really wanted to use the new markers instead of crayons this week. It is always fun to use a variety of art supplies:)
Read it, Trace it, Paste it
Watercolors seem to always be a favorite when doing this activity!
Break the Sight Word Code
This is a fun activity, which keeps Audrey guessing on what the Sight Word Sentence will be!
Mini Mini Books
At this point in the program, the mini mini books are super easy to read for Audrey. I think it is very important to read the books so that fluency and confidence can be built up.
Word Family Word Sort
We had tons of smiles and giggles over this word sort! Build your own Lemonade Stand with these adorable pieces of clip art. You get to add your lemons, cups, ladle, people, and more to make your -ame and -ick word family Lemonade Stand! Needless to say, Audrey really enjoyed this activity!
Play Dough Mats
We started off by writing all of our -ame and -ick words. We also used our Worlds Biggest Horse and Worlds Biggest Pig to help with our list. Next, Audrey made her word family words using the play dough mats.
Word Slides
The word slides can be used in a couple of ways.
1. You can use the slides to read the words quickly and fluently.
2. You can read the new word and then say a sentence using the new word.
3. You can also write your new word on a piece of paper or a mini whiteboard, which helps with spelling the word family.
Roll-A-Word Family
This game is a great way to build fluency! This is a fast paced game that can be played several times.
Sight Word Graphing
I have used a variety of fonts for each word so that students can identify words in different setting. This skill incorporates both math and literacy. This activity can be also be purchased on my Teachers Pay Teachers Shop in a variety of levels, ranging from Pre-Primer-2nd Grade.
Today we used dot makers, but you could also just color in the squares. Next, we up-leveled the activity by writing the sight word in each box according to how many dots in each box.
Tic-Tac-Toe Word Families (-ame and -ick)
I like putting our pages in a sheet protector because we can use a dry erase marker and practice over and over again. This game helps with reading the word family word, writing the word and spelling the word. So many skills in one GAME!
Blends and Digraphs Sheet
Cutting, pasting and creating new words with the -ame and -ick word families.
Sentence Strips
The words on the sentence strips will be Level 1 sight words (pre-primer) and the new word families -ame and -ick. This activity is so important because it helps students review sight words from the previous Level, and also works with new word families from the current unit.
Print 2 copies and cut out each individual word from one of the sheets. Turned the words over in a pile and try to see who could find each sight word/word family first as you take turns flipping over a word. Each player gets a different colored dot marker and whoever has the most dots at the end of the game…WINS!
Did I mention that she really likes playing this game? I think she likes beating me;)
Lemonade Blends/Digraphs
We have so many new words we can now read that incorporate both blends/digraphs and word families. It really goes well with our Word Family theme.
Word Family Fair Wall
This is my favorite addition by far!! We have added the World’s Largest Horse and the World’s Largest Pig to our Word Family Wall!! Audrey LOVED them too! This just makes learning your word family words that much more FUN!!
I am just amazed at how nicely our Ready2Read Wall has progressed! Most importantly, Audrey has ownership of everything on this wall! She is so proud of her reading, which makes me a very happy Mommy:)
Word Family Graphing
This activity is NOT in the unit, but Word Family Graphing (Level 2) can be purchased separately to work in conjunction with Level 2 of the Ready2Read Curriculum. We also have Word Family Graphing Level 1, which works seamlessly with Ready2Read Level 1.
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I just love this one!!! I can't wait to start level 2. We are just finishing up unit 8 in level 1 and then we will take a brief (very brief) break because family is coming from out of town. The pig and horse are so very adorable. I think the Director will absolutely love this. You should check out his reading on my blog. He reads ALL the time. My husband (Papa) tried to stump him with words the other day…he was not stumped too often and Papa is quite impressed. He is now reading books to his little sisters! Thanks for this program Annie, it is AWESOME!
Thank you so much for your sweet comments! You always make my day! And I must say, that The Director is doing GREAT!
Annie, As always this looks great. I will be coming to you soon when my son gets a little more ready to begin reading. In the meantime, tag! You're it!