Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade
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*Roll and Count a Ten Frame- Roll a die and bout and ten frame from 1-10 in that column.
*Spin and Color a Ten Frame Turkey- Spin the paperclip spinner, color a ten frame turkey according to the color code for numbers 6-10.
*Roll and Color the Turkey- Roll a die and color the turkey.
*What Comes Next? Cut and paste the missing turkeys in each row. Works with numbers 1-10.
*What Comes Next? Cut and paste the missing turkeys in each row. Works with numbers 11-20.
*Roll and Trace Numbers 11-20- Roll a die and trace a number.
*Count up to 20 Cut and Paste- Count, Cut and paste the correct domino that match the numbers 11-20.
*Turkey Maze by 5’s- Simple introduction to counting by 5’s. Students trace the dotted numbers from 5 to 100.
*I Can Count by 5’s – Simple introduction to counting by 5’s. Students trace number 5-100.
*Count by 2’s – Simple introduction to counting by 2’s. Students trace and write the numbers. Includes a built in WEARABLE Counting by 2’s watch!
*I Can Count by 10’s- Simple introduction to counting by 10’s. Students trace the numbers. Includes a built in WEARABLE Counting by 5’s watch.
*Word Family Turkey Short a words- Cut and past the correct word family feather under the correct turkey (-at and -an words)
*Word Family Turkey Short e words- Cut and past the correct word family feather under the correct turkey (-ed and -en words)
*Word Family Turkey Short i words- Cut and past the correct word family feather under the correct turkey (-ip and -it words)
*Word Family Turkey Short o words- Cut and past the correct word family feather under the correct turkey (-og and -ot words)
*Word Family Turkey Short u words- Cut and past the correct word family feather under the correct turkey (-ut and -un words)
*Missing Vowels- Say the name of each picture and fill in the missing vowel for each cvc word.
*Roll and Write Beginning and Ending Sounds – Roll a die and write the beginning and ending sound for each cvc picture word.
*Roll and Count- Roll a die and count a set of items in the column. Color the number that matches. (Items up to 20)
*Roll, Read and Write a Sentence (short a words)- roll die and trace a simple, repetitive sentence. Fill in the missing CVC word according to your roll.
*Roll, Read and Write a Sentence (short e words)- roll die and trace a simple, repetitive sentence. Fill in the missing CVC word according to your roll.
*Roll, Read and Write a Sentence (short i words)- roll die and trace a simple, repetitive sentence. Fill in the missing CVC word according to your roll.
*Roll, Read and Write a Sentence (short o words)- roll die and trace a simple, repetitive sentence. Fill in the missing CVC word according to your roll.
*Roll, Read and Write a Sentence (short u words)- roll die and trace a simple, repetitive sentence. Fill in the missing CVC word according to your roll.
*Color by Sight Word and Build a Sentence I – Use the color code and color the turkey (sight words: look, big, the, at) Build a Sentence by unscramble the words using some of the sight words. Cut, paste and copy the sentence.
*Color by Sight Word and Build a Sentence II – Use the color code and color the owl (sight words: do, you, like) Build a Sentence by unscramble the words using some of the sight words. Cut, paste and copy the sentence.
*Turkey Addition to 5- Use the Five Little Turkeys to help solve the problems. (cut and paste the sums).
*Turkey Subtraction to 5 – Use the Five Little Turkeys to help solve the problems. (cut and paste the answers)
*Six Ways to Make 6- Decomposing Numbers: Use the color code to color the 6 count rod to show 6 different ways to make 6. Write the numbers used.
*Seven Ways to Make 7- Decomposing Numbers: Use the color code to color the 7 count rod to show 7 different ways to make 7. Write the numbers used.
*Eight Ways to Make 8- Decomposing Numbers: Use the color code to color the 8 count rod to show 8 different ways to make 8. Write the numbers used.
*Eight Ways to Make 9- Decomposing Numbers: Use the color code to color the 9 count rod to show 9 different ways to make 9. Write the numbers used.
*Eight Ways to Make 10- Decomposing Numbers: Use the color code to color the 10 count rod to show 10 different ways to make 10. Write the numbers used.
*Gobble Up Ten Frames – Count the ten frames from 1-10, cut and paste the answer.
*Gobble Up Ten Frames II- Count the ten frames from 11-20, cut and paste the answer.
*Turkeys Count by Ten – Look at each ten frame, color the dots needed to make ten. Write the missing number in the equation.
*Turkey Ten Frames – Look at the number on each turkey. Fill in the ten frames to match the number. (11-20)
*Count on with Colorful Turkeys – Look at the number on the turkey. Trace the number and count on up to 20. Color the turkeys according tot the color code.
*Rainbow Numbers 1-30- Trace the numbers from 1-30.
*Turkey Dinner Addition- Add the Turkey dinner items from 1-5 and write the sums.
*Count and Color a Ten Frame – Count the turkey dinner items and color a ten frame to match.
*Counting with Fingers-Count the fingers shown and write a number sentence (up to 10)
*November Calendar- Trace the month, the year and write the numbers on the calendar. Answer the simple calendar questions.
*Reading Simple Sentences I- Look at the picture, cut and paste a simple sentence with cvc words and simple sight words to match the picture.
*Reading Simple Sentences II- Look at the picture, cut and paste a simple sentence with cvc words and simple sight words to match the picture.
*Reading Simple Sentences II- Look at the picture, cut and paste a simple sentence with cvc words and simple sight words to match the picture.
*Word Search I- Very simple word search to find the sight words: big, see, can, and, the. Trace the sight words and read 4 simple sentences using those sight words.
*Word Search II- Very simple word search to find the sight words: for, come, down, loo, Trace the sight words and read 4 simple sentences using those sight words.
*Word Search III- Very simple word search to find the sight words: me, run, go, help, play. Trace the sight words and read 4 simple sentences using those sight words.
*Tic-Tac-Toe Rhyming Words- Look at the pictures and say the name to hear a rhyming word and play Tic-Tac-Toe by coloring the pictures that rhyme. Works with the following word families: -an, -at, -am and -ag.
*What is Different- Look at each set of items and find the difference.
November NO PREP Packet (1st Grade)
*Roll and Color the Turkey- Roll two dice, add them up and color the turkey.
*Color by Sight Word- Use the color code to color the picture using the following 1st Grade Sight Words: ask, could, some, thank.
Color by Place Value- Use the color code to color the picture using the place value color code (ones and tens).
*Missing Addends- Fill in the missing addends for each number sentence.
*Fix it Up Sentences about Turkeys- Find the 3 mistakes in each sentence. Rewrite the sentences correctly.
*Spin and Color a Blend- Spin the spinner and use the color code to color a bubble blend word. The following blends are used: br, bl, fl, sl and fr.
*Roll and Write a CVC word. Roll a die and use that beginning letter to make a CVC word with a short a in the middle.
*Roll and Write a CVC word. Roll e die and use that beginning letter to make a CVC word with a short a in the middle.
*Roll and Write a CVC word. Roll i die and use that beginning letter to make a CVC word with a short a in the middle.
*Roll and Write a CVC word. Roll o die and use that beginning letter to make a CVC word with a short a in the middle.
*Roll and Write a CVC word. Roll u die and use that beginning letter to make a CVC word with a short a in the middle.
*Roll, Add and Solve- Roll a die, solve an addition problem (up to 20) in the column. Number line included for additional support.
*Roll, Subtract and Solve- Roll a die, solve a Subtraction problem (up to 20) in the column. Number line included for additional support.
*Balancing Equations – Use the numbers in the box to balance equations.
*Spin and Graph a Turkey Dinner- Spin the spinner and graph the turkey dinner items. Answer the graphing questions on the bottom.
*Non-Ficiton Text Features- Use the text features and definitions to find and record examples from a student text.
*Spin and Trace a Sight Word- Spin the spinner and trace one of the following first grade sight words on the graph: know, open, every, afar, then, could, were and once.
*Color an R-Blend- Use dot markers or crayons to color the letters in the r-blend words. Find and color the picture that matches the word.
*Place Value (cut and paste) – Cut and paste the turkey that matches the tens and ones place for each set.
*Spin a Verb, Noun or Adjective- Spin the spinner and color the turkey according to the color code on the spinner for the verb, noun or adjective.
*Beginning Blends- Fill in the Beginning Blends for each word/picture. Color a turkey after you find the word.
*Nouns and Verbs- Color the turkeys’ features according to the color code for nouns and verbs (4 turkeys with 36 words)
*Spin and Color a Long Vowel Turkey- Spin the spinner and color a long vowel turkey according to your spin and the color code.
*Odd or Even – Cut and paste the odd or even ten frames to the correct column.
*Doubles- Roll a die and double the number. Color a turkey that matches your double. (Can be played with a partner)
*Doubles +1 – Roll a die, double the number and add 1 more. Color the turkey that matches the double +1 (Can be played with a partner)
*Turkey Number Bonds- Complete the number bond for each turkey (part to whole)
*Balancing Equations- Cut and paste the two equations that have sums that balance.
*True or False- Cut and paste the number sentences to the correct columns.
*Spin an Equation- Spin two spinner and add the numbers.
*Turkey Time I- Write the digital time for each clock to the half hour.
*Turkey Time II – Draw hands on the clock to represent the digital time (time to the half hour).
*Measurement: Weather- Look at each thermometer and circle the correct temperature, write the correct temperature or color in the correct temperature.
*Word Problems- Read the turkey word problems and solve the equations. Show your work by drawing or any other visual way and write the number sentence.
*Fact Families- Complete the turkey fact families.
*Place Value- Fill in the tens, ones and in all boxes by counting each set of popsicle sticks.
*Skip Counting by 2’s- Look at the beginning numbers. Continue skip counting for each set of numbers starting at different even numbers up to 98.
*R-Blend Crossword Puzzle- Use the pictures and the word in the word bank to complete the R-Blend Crossword Puzzle.
*L-Blend Crossword Puzzle- Use the pictures and the word in the word bank to complete the L-Blend Crossword Puzzle.
*Correct Punctuation- Read the sentences, cut and past the correct punctuation mark.
*I Know My Sight Words- Use the Sound Boxes to box up the sight words: just, could, ask, know, again, thank, when, let, going, every, once, them and round.
*Story Elements- Read a story and fill in the graphic organizer with the characters, setting, problem and solution.
*Calendar Time- Read the directions and fill in the calendar for November. Answer the questions about the calendar.
*Days of the Week (cut and paste in ABC order)
*Turkey Trot 1-120- Fill in the numbers from 1-120 on the grid.
*I am Thankful For… Use the Turkey’s feathers to fill in what you are thankful for and write about it.
*Thanksgiving Dinner (cut and paste ABC order)
*Comprehension Check- Read the story about turkeys and answer the comprehension questions.
Here are a few of the printable “in action”…
Each Comprehenison Check includes:
★ four questions that are aligned to ELA 2nd Grade Standards
★ a color-code for finding and showing text evidence
★ vibrant real life photos to help build comprehension with nonfiction text
★ an answer key
2nd Grade Comprehension Checks for November:
• Battle of the Bird
• Memorial Wall
• The Wackiest Election
• Thanksgiving Myths
• Thankfulness Brings Happiness
• Have a Healthy Feast
• Moving and Sleeping
• Fall Back in Fall
• The Florence Flood of 1966
• Mary Walker
• Happy French Toast Day!
• It’s Your Duty
• Perfect Place Cards
• Rake in the Dough
• Sky-Scraping Statues
I am always looking at my Pinterest Boards for some easy crafts. The other day I came across a VERY EASY pumpkin craft. I absolutely LOVE this craft because it is all about being thankful! I think we all have a LOT to be thankful for, and this is a GREAT way to give kids the opportunities to count their blessings 🙂
Materials Needed:
*orange and green construction paper
*staples or brads
Step #1
Cut out 8 pieces of orange contraction paper into 1 inch strips. You will also need to cut out 2 leaves and 2 skinny strips of green contraction paper for the vines.
Step #2
Have students write something they are thankful for on each strip of orange construction paper. Be sure to leave about a 1 inch space on the sides of the strip so the writing isn’t covered up when stapled together.
Step #3
Use a stapler or brads to attach the orange strips at the top and then at the bottom to form a pumpkin.
Step #4
Add your leaves and green vines. I rolled up the green construction in a paper to help curl the vines.
Tiffany says
I just wanted to stop by and say hello Annie! I've been thinking about you and thought go stop by and say hi!
(((( BIG HUGS )))))
Miss says
that pumpkin craft needs its own page. So cute & fun for class but hard to find in this post
arabic tattoos phrases says
” I couldn’t refrain from commenting Well written! “
Ling says
I like the cut and paste sentence worksheet a lot. I wonder if I can just purchase that.
I also would like to enter to win Pre-K November NoPrep Reading Comprehension package because it will help me in giving variety material for the 42 students who come to do the Pull-out reading sessions.
amoffatt says
Hi Ling!
Thank you for your feedback! The Cut and Paste Sentence Worksheet comes in the Kindergarten November Packet, so you would need to purchase the packet in order to get that activity. If you would like to enter the giveaway, you will need to give comment, like and share the post on Facebook or Instagram. Thank you for participating!
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