Art appreciation is something that we don’t really see taught in the schools due to budget cuts, time and many other reasons. However, I think it is very important to teach children to appreciate, study, talk about and ponder art.
I LOVE going to museums with the girls and I can’t help but to visit the children’s section in the bookstores. It really is one of my favorite places! There are so many wonderful products and fun art supplies too look at and choose from. The girls and I always sit on the floor and look through the books and different resources. We always buy the girls a small item to add to art education:)
I really like the quality of the product, the size of the cards and the fun facts on the back. We are putting up one famous painting card a week with our Daily Calendar activities.
We started with the Mona Lisa. We really had some sweet and great conversation about the painting. I started by asking Audrey some very simple questions:
These are very simple questions, but it gets her involved and helps her to start thinking about art and encourages her to look more closely at the the details. We will still be looking at The Mona Lisa for the rest of this week, and we will have more fun discussions ahead of us! I LOVE it!
On the back of each card you will read about some basic facts and more about the famous painting. Such a fun and easy way to include some art appreciation. You certainly don’t have to wait until college to take an art appreciation class:)
If you are interested in this product, I have seen them {HERE}. You can also do a search for the least expensive price. We paid about $10 for our set and worth EVERY penny!
Annie, what a FABULOUS resource! Thanks for sharing…am off to see if I can find a copy!! Hope your second day of school went much better than the first! I have to tell you how much I am loving and getting results from your Sight Word Money in my classroom!!! Love it!!!!! Hugs~ Tina xx
Good Morning Mrs Rubie
Thank you for that sweet comment Tina! You ALWAYS make me smile!!
Beautiful work, Audrey!
how fun!!
and what an ar-teest she is 🙂
Audrey is such a little talent. 😀
Awesome resource!